Meetings & Events

Meetings & Events

General member meetings during the pandemic are held via Zoom on the third Wednesday of each month at 9:30am (except December), and the third Saturday of each month at 1pm.


Rigid Heddle Study Group

February 24, 2026 | 1:00 pm

4th Tuesday of each month 1-3 PM (you can bring your lunch and meet prior...

Guild Meeting

February 18, 2026 | 9:30 am

Monthly meetings on 3rd Wednesday.   There is a business meeting plus educational program each month....

Rigid Heddle Study Group

January 27, 2026 | 1:00 pm

4th Tuesday of each month 1-3 PM (you can bring your lunch and meet prior...

Guild Meeting

January 21, 2026 | 9:30 am

Monthly meetings on 3rd Wednesday.   There is a business meeting plus educational program each month....

Spinning Study Group

January 14, 2026 | 10:00 am

Explorations include learning about our heritage breeds, exotic fibers,  Bast fibers (cotton, hemp, linen, etc.)...

Rigid Heddle Study Group

December 23 | 1:00 pm

4th Tuesday of each month 1-3 PM (you can bring your lunch and meet prior...